Monday, October 22, 2012

Mitt Romney

  • President Obama, Mitt Romney meet in Florida for final debate

    In their third and final presidential debate, President Obama and Mitt Romney clashed Monday over the direction of American policy in the Middle East and the evolving shape of the country's leadership role around the world.

  • Page: Mitt Romney's 'binders' bind

    Mitt Romney's wince-inducing suggestion for gender equality, "binders full of women," has become almost as much of major Mitt-ism from the second presidential debate as "Big Bird" was in the first.

  • Mitt Romney: I come in peace

    Mitt Romney put his hawk on a leash. With an apparent eye toward continuing his gains with female voters, Romney soft-pedaled his once-tough line on Iran, barely talked about Libya and came to close to articulating the "soft power" Democratic doctrine ...

  • Mitt Romney: US Can't Kill Its Way Out Of Extremist Threats

    Republican Mitt Romney says he praises rival President Barack Obama for ordering the raid that killed al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, but adds that the United States "can't kill our way out of this mess" of religious extremism.

  • Romney flubs Middle East geography; Obama gets foe's record wrong

    WASHINGTON - Voters didn't always get the straight goods when President Obama and Republican Mitt Romney made their case for foreign policy and national security leadership Monday night before their last super-sized audience of the campaign.

  • Romney's case to women is well short of convincing

    Mitt Romney may be a perfect husband. He's clearly devoted to Ann Romney. Their storybook relationship began as blushing teenagers, and 43 years and five sons later, Mitt is still smitten with Ann.

  • Biden: 'We are seeing the remaking of Mitt Romney'

    We are seeing the remaking of Mitt Romney right before our eyes." The vice president leveled the charge in front of a crowd of nearly 900 people in Canton.

  • Mitt Romney blimp crash lands in Florida

    A blimp displaying a Mitt Romney campaign ad crash landed in Davie, Fla. Sunday evening. Davie police said that wind forced the the aircraft to land in a field around 7:10 p.m.

  • Mitt Romney calls for Ahmadinejad to be indicted under UN genocide convention

    Mitt Romney calls for Ahmadinejad to be indicted under UN genocide convention. Mitt Romney has called for Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to be indicted under the UN genocide convention over his comments questioning the Holocaust.

  • Mitt Romney as self-appointed debate referee? A man who lives by rules

    Mitt Romney as self-appointed debate referee? A man who lives by rules. When it comes to presidential debates - and most other things - Mitt Romney is a stickler for the rules. Watch for it during Monday's presidential debate. By Josh Lederman ...

  • What will Romney say about Iran?

    2012 - One thing to look for in tonight's debate: How will Mitt Romney respond to the prospect of one-on-one talks with Iran?

  • Mitt Romney heard, not seen in new ad for Mia Love

    ... about the cost of having Congressman Jim Matheson in office. Scott G Winterton, Deseret News. Summary. Mitt Romney is heard but not seen a new TV ad for 4th Congressional District candidate Mia Love as part of a two-week blitz to sack six-term Rep.

  • Has Mitt Romney Met Any of These People -- Or Anyone Like Them?

    That was the case following my blog post last week about Mitt Romney's contention that uninsured people don't have a problem getting the care they need -- that the care is readily available in hospital emergency rooms.

  • Mitt Romney La Jolla Beach Photo: Californians Reenact Photo Romney Staged ...

    On Saturday, protesters gathered in La Jolla, Calif. in front of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's beach house to re-enact a photo that Romney had taken of himself in 1968 on a beach in France.

  • Mitt Romney TV ad plugs Richard Mourdock in Indiana Senate race

    Mitt Romney is appearing in a TV ad for Indiana Treasurer Richard Mourdock (R), marking the first time the Republican presidential nominee has made a direct appeal for a U.S.

  • Workers seek to link Mitt Romney, Bain's investment in firm that's outsourcing ...

    By Beth Healy, Globe Staff. When China comes up in the presidential debate Monday night, Mitt Romney could be asked to defend the outsourcing of jobs at Sensata Technologies Inc., a Bain Capital investment that has drawn fire over the past week ...

  • Mitt Romney Left Insensitive Messages For Gold Star Mother After Her Son's ...

    During an appearance on "The View" last week, Ann Romney stated that her husband Mitt Romney attended the funerals of every fallen soldier from Massachusetts during his term as governor.

  • Payroll Taxes Going Up In 2013 For 163 Million Workers, Obama, Mitt Romney ...

    By STEPHEN OLEMACHER, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama isn't talking about it and neither is Mitt Romney. But come January, 163 million workers can expect to feel the pinch of a big tax increase regardless of who ...

  • Mitt Romney Benefited From Offshoring Tax Break In 2001 While Listed As Bain ...

    Bain Capital appears to have benefited from a provision in the U.S. tax code that grants companies tax breaks for costs associated with offshoring American jobs.

  • Mitt Romney selling 'Clear Eyes' bracelets

    Despite show creator Peter Berg's objections, Mitt Romney has shown no intention of giving up the "Friday Night Lights" mantra "Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can't Lose.

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