Thursday, September 27, 2012

Yom Kippur

  • Breaking Yom Kippur fast, American Jews talk Obama, Netanyahu

    (CNN) - As Jews gathered together at sundown Wednesday to break the Yom Kippur fast, in some homes it wasn't just food that was being shared, but also opinion on the rising tension between the leaders of the United States and Israel over the threat ...

  • Atonement Blues: Breaking the Yom Kippur Fast With 'Breaking Bad'

    Yom Kippur is, for Jews, the Day of Atonement -- the holiest day of the year when one contemplates what he/she did or might've done that requires reparation for the wrongs or injuries he/she might've caused.

  • Yom Kippur break-fast

    Break the fast for Yom Kippur with these dishes from our Recipe Finder, which can be made in advance. <a data-xslt='_http' href='http://.

  • Ahmadinejad Yom Kippur address to UN draws protesters

    Ahmadinejad Yom Kippur address to U.N. draws protesters. Rudy Giuliani, Newt Gingrich among those demonstrating against Holocaust-denying Iranian president on holiest day of Jewish year.

  • Barak: Yom Kippur siren echoes to this day

    Defense Minister Ehud Barak paid tribute to Israel's 2,691 fallen soldiers from the 1973 Yom Kippur War during a memorial ceremony in Jerusalem on Thursday, and, in a veiled reference to the Iranian threat, said Israel could only rely on itself ...

  • Ahead of Yom Kippur, Tel Avivians await the messiah – of bikes

    Bicycle rentals on Tuesday, the evening of which marked the start of Yom Kippur, would be limited to the hours of 10 A.M. and 2 P.M.

  • Yom Kippur in Israel: Immense quiet

    The ritual is performed before the Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur, the holiest day in the Jewish year which started at sundown Tuesday.

  • Dozens of illegal hunters caught during Yom Kippur

    The Israel Nature and Parks Authority has launched a campaign to track down those engaged in illegal hunting activities across Israel during Yom Kippur. "Yom Kippur constitutes a fertile ground for criminal activity and illegal hunting delinquency ...

  • Yom Kippur taught me I don't read so good no mores

    Oh, and another thing I learned this Yom Kippur. You Christians? Some of you still don't seem to get it. For every genuine "I'm sorry you have to come in to work today" I got a "Should I not be eating this in front of you?

  • Yom Kippur roar: Syrian rocket hits Israel

    As Israelis celebrated Yom Kippur today, at least one mortar landed in the Golan Heights and several mortars landed yesterday near Kibbutz Elrom in the northern Golan Heights.

  • Yom Kippur: Reflection, Repentance Begin at Sundown

    Jews here and around the world will observe this ancient tradition beginning Tuesday with the arrival of Yom Kippur, the "Day of Atonement," the most solemn occasion of the Hebrew calendar.

  • You Could Have A Hugely Successful Hedge Fund That Just Shorted On Rosh ...

    17, the first full day of Rosh Hashanah, you avoided a -1.91 percent correction that ended yesterday, Sept. 26, the day Yom Kippur was observed. Assuming you employed some leverage, your returns would've been pretty considerable if this was your ...

  • Yom Kippur Fast Ending Time Google Underwater Street Views and Everything ...

    Yom Kippur Fast Ending Time Google Underwater Street Views and Everything You Should Read on Wednesday. Why is Romney Losing Ohio?

  • For Yom Kippur, some atone through Twitter

    "In Twitter, we saw an opportunity to encourage our community members to reflect upon the passing year in preparation for Yom Kippur, while also preserving some of the communal experience that we feel to be so central to High Holiday services." Others ...

  • 14 donor organs save 11 lives over Yom Kippur

    The lives of 11 patients were saved over the eve of Yom Kippur and the fast day itself as they received 14 transplant organs from three people who suffered lower-brain death.

  • Yom Kippur: A guide to understanding the Day of Atonement

    Mortality and the future are important themes of Yom Kippur, and we pray that we are inscribed in the Book of Life. So to greet a Jew on Yom Kippur say, "G'mar chatimah tovah" - "May you end up with a good inscription." If that's too much of a mouthful ...

  • Rocks thrown at cars in Jerusalem on Yom Kippur

    JERUSALEM (JTA) -- Dozens of vehicles were damages in Jerusalem by rocks thrown on Yom Kippur. Hundreds of Jewish gathered at the corner of Hebron and Bethlehem streets after Yom Kippur Eve services and threw rocks at passing cars, Haaretz ...

  • Yom Kippur: You Can't Atone On Facebook

    Social media plays a huge role in my life, but not on Yom Kippur -- the day of atonement. As Jews worldwide mark the holiday that begins at sundown, my Facebook feed has been filling up with "friends" issuing blanket apologies to me and the rest of the ...

  • Gov. Jerry Brown's 'Tikkun California' Yom Kippur Speech

    Yom Kippur afternoon at Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills, 5773, offered a mix of politics, power and menchlichkeit. The Reform synagogue invited the governor of California for an afternoon chat before the congregation on the holiest day of the year.

  • Yom Kippur in Kuala Lumpur: A Jewish Girl's Guide to Repenting in a Muslim ...

    Yom Kippur is a solemn fast day on which Jews from around the world gather in synagogue to repent for the past year's sins, ask G-d for forgiveness and eschew the "daily activities" of eating, showering, brushing teeth, etc.

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