Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Emily maynard

  • Emily Maynard as the new "Bachelorette" was the topic of conversation with Chris Harrison and Khloe Kardashian on her new Texas radio talk show. Khloe's brand new Dallas radio show had Harrison spilling the beans on the up and coming season with Emily.
  • (topic on Khloe Kardashian's radio show with Chris Harrison! Link - Examiner)
  • After weeks of speculation, the face of ABCs The Bachelor and The Bachelorette franchises, Chris Harrison announced on Good Morning America that Emily Maynard will be the next lady looking for love on The Bachelorette.
  • (Huffington Post)
  • Update: ABC has since confirmed that Maynard, whose fiance Ricky Hendrick was killed a plane cash in Oct. 2004, will in fact be the first single mother to star as The Bachelorette on the series next cycle.
  • (New York Post)
  • The Oscar nominations were not the only big announcement made Tuesday morning on ABC's Good Morning America. The network also announced that Emily Maynard will be the next star of The Bachelorette.
  • (The Celebrity Cafe.com)
  • The Southern single mom, who won Brad Womacks final rose on The Bachelor last year only to break their engagement months later, returns to the franchise for another chance at love.
  • (Hollywood Reporter)
  • ABC has no comment yet, but both Entertainment Weekly and People magazine are reporting that Charlottes Emily Maynard will be the next Bachelorette for the ABC franchise.
  • (The News & Observer)
  • (CBS) Emily Maynard is looking for love on TV once again. The Southern single mom, whom Brad Womack proposed to on The Bachelor, will reportedly be the next star of The Bachelorette.
  • (CBS News)
  • Emily Maynard is ready to find love again. Us Weekly reports the single mom from North Carolina will be ABCs next Bachelorette. Maynard won notoriety when she got engaged to Bachelor Brad Womack, 38, on his second stint on the show back in March 2011.
  • (Click10.com)
  • Brad Womack has tried twice on The Bachelor to find love and failed, but perhaps his ex-fiancée will have better luck. Emily Maynard, who Womack proposed to on the ABC reality series last year, gave back his engagement ring in May.
  • (The Post-Standard - Syracuse.com (blog))

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