Thursday, October 18, 2012


  • Romney and Obama yuk it up

    The Al Smith dinner in New York is a true test for the modern presidential candidate: Can he deliver hilarious lines written for him by somebody else?

  • Akin, McCaskill get testy in final debate

    For all the controversy surrounding the Missouri Senate seat, the final debate in this crucial race came down to one basic question: Is Rep. Todd Akin a political extremist, or is Sen. Claire McCaskill attached to President Barack Obama's hip?

  • Peter King defends Secret Service chief on Colombia testimony

    Peter King, the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, said in a statement to POLITICO. "As my committee continues its investigation, I look forward to receiving and reviewing the findings of the [Department of Homeland Security] Inspector ...

  • Senate 5: In Mellman Dems trust

    Behold Thursday's Senate 5: 1. MACK SCORES A WIN - Rep. Connie Mack's debate performance against Sen. Bill Nelson was forceful, focused and unapologetic.

  • According To POLITICO The Problem With The GOP Is…

    By CHQ Staff | 10/18/12. POLITICO, the website considered by many to be the DC elite's answer to CHQ, RedState and other conservative websites, has an outrageous article on why the GOP is in a tough fight to take the majority in the Senate this election.

  • Obama, Boehner not talking fiscal cliff - ACA critics predict SCOTUS return ...

    With help from Kyle Cheney, Joanne Kenen and David Nather. FISCAL CLIFF? WHAT, ME WORRY? - So, you may have heard a thing or two or a million recently about the upcoming disaster known as the fiscal cliff.

  • Greg Smith says that partying rules were different for senior executives than ...

    A tell-all book by a former Goldman Sachs executive paints a picture of a firm where some clients weren't held in high regard - but high-priced partying was.

  • Vilsack to air TV ad with Bill Clinton

    The Vilsack ad, which was shared early with POLITICO, shows Clinton addressing a rally for her campaign in Sioux City last week.

  • Stump stand-off gives way to charity cheer

    NEW YORK - For a change, the nastiness between President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney was all in good fun tonight. The two presidential candidates, who nearly stood toe-to-toe at their last debate, poked at one another and themselves in speeches at ...

  • Google: Mobile searches during debate up 2000 percent from '08

    Per Google's study, which was shared early with POLITICO, mobile searches during the debates have increased by 2,000 percent since 2008 - presumably a result of the fact that smartphone ownernship has also increased exponentially in the past four ...

  • Mormonism off Graham's cult list--Obama going indoors--11 new ads--Scott ...

    (; Twitter: @jameshohmann). BILLY GRAHAM'S ASSOCIATION REMOVES MORMONISM FROM LIST OF CULTS: "The election-year embrace of Mitt Romney by some evangelical Christians now borders on a bear hug, given a series ...

  • Mitchell: Men at MSNBC make more money

    UPDATE: (4:03 p.m.): Andrea Mitchell tells POLITICO, "I was referring to the industry as a whole. This remark has been taken out of context.

  • Mitt Romney's female lieutenant governor: Hours with 'binders'

    (Also on POLITICO: Top political memes of the 2012 race). Healey cited herself, along with Romney's then-chief of staff, Beth Myers, and his top policy adviser, as prominent females in Romney's Massachusetts administration, in addition to "all the ...

  • Obama's daughters' school evacuated

    Sidwell Friends, the Washington D.C. private school that both Obama daughters attend, was evacuated Thursday due to a suspicious package, police officials say.

  • GOP's problems exposed in struggle for Senate

    In 2010, when Republicans stumbled on what had been a clear path to winning control of the Senate, GOP operatives comforted themselves with a defiant vow: Just wait 'til next time.

  • LCV poll of Virginia: Kaine up 5, Obama-Romney tied

    Democratic Senate candidate Tim Kaine is running several points ahead of President Barack Obama in the state of Virginia, leading Republican George Allen by 5 points even as the presidential race remains effectively tied, according to a survey taken ...

  • Senate 5: Thompson pulls even in Wisconsin

    Here's Wednesday's Senate 5: 1. TOMMY'S TURNAROUND - Despite the most recent distraction involving his son's Kenya comment, Tommy Thompson is on the march in the Wisconsin Senate race.

  • PI Scooplet: Lobbying firm helps W. Va. pol dig deep - Muppets, 2; Super PACs ...

    With Tarini Parti. PI SCOOPLET … LOBBYING FIRM HELPS WEST VIRGINIA POL DIG DEEP: Lobbyist Patrick Robertson, a partner at government affairs firm C2 Group, is hosting a big-dollar fundraiser in D.C.

  • Our guide to the biggest transportation House races - Mica opponent has less ...

    Here are our top nine T&I races to watch -- and if you are a Pro in the know you can get more details on each contest in our big, big story here:: GOP FROSH PLAYING DEFENSE - Minnesota's 8th: Freshman Rep. Chip Cravaack ...

  • Rev. Jesse Jackson: No debate about the poor

    "[In] each of three debates, [the candidates] spent an enormous amount of time arguing about reconciling 5 trillion dollars, a number so vast it's incomprehensible," he said in an interview with POLITICO. "They're arguing about the 5 trillion dollars ...

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