Sunday, October 21, 2012


  • Manufactured Obama "Not Optimal" Gaffe Distracts From Escalating Drone War

    Conservative commentators have seized on President Obama's Thursday appearance on The Daily Show With Jon Stewart, lambasting him for minimizing the killings of four Americans as "not optimal." This is an entirely manufactured "gaffe" based on a ...

  • GOP seizes Obama 'optimal' moment

    Republicans on Friday pounced on President Barack Obama for saying that the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi were not "optimal" -the latest instance of a candidate's choice of words becoming an issue in the race - while Paul Ryan used the ...

  • Optimal Binders Full of Fail

    So whatever victory he had that night was wiped away by the reality of failed leadership and his callously calling the murder of 4 Americans "not optimal." Even debate night, as his media allies did their touchdown dance, polls showed Mitt Romney ...

  • Sleeping Tips for Optimal Exam Performance

    Tired? Me too. If midterm season has you trapped in a cycle of stress and sleep deprivation, you are not alone. But this exhaustion could be hurting more than our happiness/wardrobe choices/social life.

  • Ryan slams Obama for his 'not optimal' comment

    WASHINGTON (AP) .- Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan slammed President Barack Obama on Friday for describing response to the deadly attack in Libya as "not optimal" and said the White House is misleading the country in the face of ...

  • Not optimal--AAN, CLF launch $5.3 million buy in 6 House races--Orlando ...

    DRIVING THE DAY - Drudge's banner headline right now is "Obama on Comedy Central: 'When four Americans get killed, it's not optimal.'" Links to a Daily Mail story: JOHN MCCAIN POUNCES: "Even from someone like the president, ...

  • And now, "Optimal" Is a Bad Word

    So Obama says the word "optimal," or the words "not optimal," and somehow this is a talking point.

  • Supercomputers tackle toughest mathemathics problem in world sport - the AFL ...

    ... European soccer, the NRL and Super Rugby. Optimal chief Rick Stone says the AFL's array of agreements surrounding stadiums, clubs, blockbusters, broadcasters, state derbies, themed matches and player welfare made it the hardest fixture to assemble.

  • Mom of Slain Diplomat: 'My Son Is Not Very Optimal — He Is Very Dead'

    In an interview on "The Daily Show" on Comedy Central, Obama responded to a question from host Jon Stewart about his administration's confused communication after the assault by saying, "If four Americans get killed, it's not optimal." The attack at ...

  • Obama, Romney Trade Jokes; Critics Aim At Obama's 'Optimal' Comment

    President Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney, as predicted, took on the challenge of being funny last night at the annual Al Smith Dinner in New York City - which as we said Thursday has become a quadrennial must-stop on the campaign trail ...

  • 'Optimal': Weigel a Casualty of Twitter's Short Fuse

    Slate's Dave Weigel committed the cardinal sin of modern politics. He asked Twitter to calm down. During President Obama's taped appearance on the Daily Show Thursday, two White House pool reports were dispatched with quotes from his interview with ...

  • Optimal in Benghazi

    Speaking from her home in San Diego, Mrs Smith, 72, continued: 'It's insensitive to say my son is not very optimal - he is also very dead.

  • Optimal: GOP Jumps on Obama Libya Comment

    While President Obama accuses his opponent of Romnesia, Republicans are pouncing on Obama for saying the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi were not "optimal." In an interview with Comedy Central's Jon Stewart, the host used that word first, ...

  • "Not optimal"

    STEWART: Is part of the investigation helping the communication between these divisions? Not just what happened in Benghazi but what happened within.

  • 'Optimal' and 'Bullets': Obama, Biden Hand Ammo to GOP

    It's good for democracy when politicians are in the moment, answering the questions that are asked, interacting with audiences and interviewers.

  • The Not Optimal Campaign Of Binders, Big Bird and Non-Issues

    ... in the 2nd Presidential debate,. "Here's what I'll say. If four Americans get killed, it's not optimal. We're going to fix it. All of it," Obama replied. (Source - The Hill). Not Optimal. I'll tell you what also is not optimal, Mr. Obama: Your last ...

  • Obama: "If four Americans get killed, it is not optimal."

    President Obama sat down for an interview with Jon Stewart of the Daily Show on Thursday, which quickly became infamous through press pool reports, because during the interview Obama said of the deadly attack on our Benghazi consulate: "If four ...

  • What's Not Optimal

    Having a president who perpetuates a falsehood to the American people about the cause of a terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi that resulted in the deaths of four Americans.

  • AAPL Hits Next Optimal Downside Target

    Apple Inc. (AAPL) has declined into my preferred target zone of 620-610 with an intraday low of 615.64. My near-term work argues that AAPL could bounce violently at just about any time from the 620-610 area, but that in all likelihood it will not ...

  • Everything About Obama's Presidency Has Been "Not Optimal"

    President Obama sure has a way with words. His response to Jon Stewart when asked about the terrorist attacks Benghazi was to say, "'If four Americans get killed, it's not optimal." The fact is that nothing has been "optimal" about Obama's Presidency ...

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