Thursday, October 18, 2012


  • Mitchell: Men at MSNBC make more money

    During an interview Thursday, Mitt Romney senior adviser Barbara Comstock told Andrea Mitchell that "we know here at MSNBC the guys get paid more" - and the MSNBC host replied, "We certainly do." Mitchell and Comstock were discussing the Lilly ...

  • CNN tops MSNBC during debate; also tops FNC in younger viewers (18-34)

    While CNN, Fox News and MSNBC were up versus their prior four "non-event" Tuesday averages, CNN's growth of +758% among total viewers and +1117% among adults 25-54 was the most substantial.

  • Romney disses 'binders full of women', single parents

    MSNBC host Krystal Ball and author Goldie Taylor explain how Mitt Romney's now infamous "binder full of women" comment perfectly encapsulates why women prefer President Obama by double digits - and then chastise Romney for his debate dig at single ...

  • MSNBC's Michael Eric Dyson Says Mitt Romney Was 'Overseeing' President ...

    On Thursday night's The Ed Show, MSNBC contributor and Georgetown Professor Michael Eric Dyson gave dogwhistle-deaf conservatives a taste of their own medicine when he made the unsubtle suggestion that Republican presidential candidate Mitt ...

  • MSNBC's Matthews likens Romney-Ryan abortion platform to 'Shariah' law

    MSNBC host Chris Matthews suggested that Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan if elected would run the country according to a "religious theory" -- likening their pro-life stance to "Shariah.

  • MSNBC's Wagner: Obama Running for President Because of 'Higher Calling ...

    President Obama is running for reelection because he feels the "higher calling" of the office, even though it's obvious he doesn't really love the political game, MSNBC's Alex Wagner told Conan O'Brien on his October 17 TBS program. By contrast, Gov.

  • How Bill Clinton can help Obama

    and both candidates agree on one thing bill clinton 's endorsement countps. in new york magazine yousafzai john heilemann explores the relationship between barack obama and bill clinton .

  • Money spent on campaign ads increase

    ... romney and his allies have been the big spenders, outspending obama $455 million to $352 million. here to talk about the impact and the strategy going forward, republican strategist and former bush/cheney spokesman terry holt and msnbc political ...

  • The GOP's 'War on Women' is Intensifying, At Least According to MSNBC

    Leave it to MSNBC to set the record straight, where a defense of conservativism is strictly forbidden. With no one to dispute such claims, one would think the GOP's "war on women" has never been more overt or frightening -- especially after watching ...

  • Panel: Candidates are big spenders

    panel time. joining me now, msnbc contributor, maria kumar, and now senior advisor for the yg action fund, he's a part of spending a lot of money.

  • Obama facts own Romney on 'Libya' attack line

    Democratic strategist Julian Epstein and MSNBC contributor Matt Miller pick the egg off Mitt Romney's face after his remarks on Libya were fact checked in real time - and then discuss how the gaffe undercuts the image Romney tries to project as an ...

  • How to take your small business to the next level

    There are over 27 million small businesses operating around the country, so how do you grow your company? msnbc's J.J. Ramberg, author of "It's Your Business," shares tips to give you a leg up on the competition.

  • 'Morning Joe' panel second-guessing Obama's shot at reelection [VIDEO]

    On Tuesday morning's broadcast of "Morning Joe" on MSNBC, the show's tone took a dire turn for President Barack Obama, who will debate Mitt Romney tonight in Hempstead, N.Y.. Just a few weeks ago, "Morning Joe" host Joe Scarborough reacted to he ...

  • Romney's etch-a-sketchy deal on tax cuts

    jarod bernstein is an msnbc economic contributor. good afternoon. the president chose the term sketchy. others have called romney 's economic plan a crap burger, heavy on fat with no meat.

  • Who Is Joe Scarborough Voting For?

    Elected to Congress in 1994 from the Florida panhandle as one of Newt's "Contract With America" foot soldiers, the host of MSNBC's Morning Joe labels himself a conservative who was dissatisfied with George W. Bush for not being conservative enough!

  • MSNBC Says Felix Baumgartner Fell 'Faster Than Speed Of Light'

    MSNBC Says Felix Baumgartner Fell 'Faster Than Speed Of Light'. Posted: 10/15/2012 2:53 pm EDT. reddit stumble · Share on Google+.

  • MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry: 'The point of doing this show is not about the ...

    MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry is the subject of this week's "So What Do You Do?" column. In addition to noting her media idols (Bill Moyers, Gwen Ifill, Rachel Maddow) and her guilty TV pleasures ("House Hunters," "Parks and Recreation"), Harris ...

  • MSNBC's Bashir: Conservatives 'Shamelessly Exploit' Benghazi Attack; Yet ...

    In an interview segment with Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) on his October 15 program, MSNBC's Martin Bashir alleged that conservatives are "shamelessly exploit[ing]" the deaths of Amb.

  • 'It's Your Business': Getting your company off the ground

    this morning on "today's money," bringing your business to the next level. there are more than 27 million small businesses operating around the country right now, so with all that competition how do you grow yours?

  • Ads take over Las Vegas

    MSNBC Contributor Robert Traynham and Center for American Progress VP Daniella Gibbs Leger discuss campaign ads and fundraising, and a new battleground poll.

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